Group Coaching

We work with individual leaders and their teams to dramatically increase performance, communications and alignment with the overall business mission. We work with teams who are interested in rising above the ordinary to create extraordinary results.

Even if the individuals aren’t in the same location, we can easily work with your teams. We work in a highly interactive teleconference format that allows participants to come to the scheduled session and get right back into their workday. The program starts with one on one conversations with each individual and we move to a 6 week schedule of weekly 1-1.5 hour group sessions.

If you want managers who are motivated and excited to work with each other and your customers; the first step is to set up a conversation and we’ll explore your unique challenges and opportunities.

Mary Bryan and her colleagues are very interested and ready to hear about your challenges and how to help your teams. Contact us for a consultation.

Here are Just two examples of our coaching programs that can be specifically tailored to your team and its unique challenges:



This 6 week highly structured and interactive process can be delivered in one of three ways:

  1. one on one as a coaching process
  2. small group seminar for your teams
  3. one or two day small group workshop for teams

The process is designed to align daily choices and actions with your overall goals and mission.

With this workshop/teleclass, you will:

  • Acquire simple yet effective tools that bring awareness to daily choices and actions
  • Discover and shift any habits and patterns not in alignment with goals
  • Increase decisioning skills for speed and accuracy
  • Adapt to change efficiently while minimizing resistance caused by unexpected change
  • Use failures to increase effectiveness and emerge as a more powerful leader or a more powerful and cohesive team
  • Create an uplifted and positive working environment that sustains each individual while maintaining momentum
  • Communicate effectively with colleagues and team members and other groups to achieve common goals.
  • Develop a high level of personal responsibility, contribution and accountability to the future of your organization/team


Six Steps to Ignite Purpose, Productivity and profit

This program consists of 6 one-hour weekly phone sessions. Each session is tailored to the specific needs of your team using real time business situations. The sessions are highly structured yet very interactive.

This program can be very effective delivered for one on one coaching or with a team.
This highly interactive coaching/telecourse is designed to help individuals and teams:

  • Create a clear vision within the organization’s mission and develop goals that are aligned with the overall vision and your unique contribution to the world.
  • Identify and adjust the current obstacles, habits and patterns that don’t serve you as a leader, your role or the overall mission and vision.
  • Take your performance to a new level to successfully lead, communicate, inspire and collaborate with colleagues.
  • Utilize your strengths, talents and skills toward contribution to the whole.
  • Develop a high level of accountability, responsibility and commitment to the future of the organization, yourself and your life.

To discuss your team’s individual needs and desires:
Contact Mary Bryan directly.